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How Did Center Point Medicine Get Started?

Stones with inspirational phrases printed on them

I used hypnosis to help patients  while I was practicing as a pediatric pulmonologist for 15 years at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY.  In my last few years in Syracuse, I split my time between practicing pulmonary medicine and medical hypnosis.  I enjoyed both aspects of my practice, but hypnosis and counseling felt the most rewarding because I was able to teach patients how to help themselves without reliance on additional medications, and they frequently improved quickly and dramatically.  Further, as no one else in Syracuse offered hypnosis therapy to children, I was inspired by being able to make a unique contribution to health care in Central New York. 


A Journey from Syracuse to La Jolla 

When my family’s life journey took us from Syracuse to La Jolla, CA, I decided that I would take the opportunity to recast my career by focusing entirely on hypnosis and counseling, as this was the most fun and rewarding part of my work as a physician.  My initial idea was to explain to administrators at the local children’s hospitals about the unique and essential way of how I could help children in their communities.  However, the administrators were only semi-interested.  As one of them said, “We don’t know what to make of you.  Are you a pediatrician, a pulmonologist, or a psychologist?” 

I replied, “Yes, I’m all three of those things.” 

“Well,” said the administrator.  “We can’t fit you into a box, so we can’t offer you a job.” 

I was nervous about the idea of opening up a private full-time practice specializing in pediatric hypnosis and counseling because this had not been done frequently in this country.  I had always worked for hospitals, and was guaranteed a salary and benefits, which provided financial security.  What would happen to my family and me, I thought, if my private practice did not succeed? 


Inspirational Quotes 

My wife was so very helpful in encouraging me and allaying my fears.  First, she pointed out that I had succeeded in many of my previous life endeavors.  And later she gave me an ornament bearing the inscription of a saying attributable to American naturalist John Burroughs:  Leap and the net will appear. 

I ended up following the advice I often give my patients regarding how to react when something does not go your way.  I quote Alexander Graham Bell: When one door closes, another opens.” 

I reasoned that since the door for working for a hospital was closed, I would go through the open private practice entry.  I knew only two pediatricians in San Diego when I arrived.  The first was a pediatric gastroenterologist whom I knew since I taught her as a religious school student in Boston in the 80’s.  The second was a pediatric allergist who was a former medical student from Syracuse.  Both doctors introduced me to some of the pediatricians in San Diego, who served as the first referral sources of patients once I opened my practice. 

Setting up a private practice from scratch seemed like a daunting, and almost overwhelming task.  Once again I was inspired by a quote I have shared with my patients from Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu:  A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.    


Center Point Medicine 

I picked the name “Center Point Medicine” as I viewed my work as teaching patients how to find their spiritual center.  At first, I looked for office space that would accommodate a consultation room for me and a waiting area for my patients and secretary, which would encompass approximately 500 square feet.  However, such a space was unavailable in my desired La Jolla location at that time.  Instead, a 1000 square foot area was offered to me, which encompassed an additional two office spaces.  After some consideration I decided to enter that open door.  I reasoned, perhaps this indicates that I will need to hire additional staff. 

Within two years, and two additional staff members, we outgrew our space, and after 5 years and two expansions, we have grown to a footprint of 3000 square feet and a staff of 11.  Naturally, the practice growth reflected the ever-growing number of patients we have been privileged to help in Southern California. 


Take Home Message 

My experiences in developing Center Point Medicine recall one final quote that I share with my patients by inspirational writer William Arthur Ward:  If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.  


About Center Point Medicine  

You can learn more about Center Point Medicine, hypnosis, and other great topics by following us on social media or heading over to our website. New blogs are added weekly. A list of all current blogs can be found HERE. 

For medical professionals looking to open their own Center Point Medicine office providing pediatric counseling and hypnosis services to your local community, please follow this LINK to learn more about our franchising opportunities.  


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Profile Photo or Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP Ran D. Anbar, MD Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP, is board certified in both pediatric pulmonology and general pediatrics, offering hypnosis and counseling services at Center Point Medicine in La Jolla, California, and Syracuse, New York. Dr. Anbar is also a fellow and approved consultant of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Dr. Anbar is a leader in clinical hypnosis, and his 20 years of experience have allowed him to successfully treat over 5,000 children. He also served as a professor of pediatrics and medicine and the director of pediatric pulmonology at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York, for 21 years.

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